
Adzmedia offers advertisers powerful, result-oriented and self-serve advertising platforms. With simple yet exceptional interfaces, our mobile DSP platform enable clients to purchase inventory from highly distinguished mobile advertising network and all major mobile RTB exchanges. Mobile ad campaigns can be easily created & managed, detailed analytics can be drawn up and accessed, and all efforts can be optimized for greater results using a patent-pending tool - this is the present and future of mobile advertising as we know it.
With the advent of mobile video capabilities in our DSP, we are providing better brand engagement, loyalty and conversion in comparison to other ad-formats.

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adzmedia DSP

Adzmedia’s mobile DSP conversion rates are 3X-5X times higher than any other mobile advertising network around.

In a world that’s rapidly going mobile, Adzmedia’s powerful and unmatched mobile DSP gives every app advertiser a certain edge - impact! Accurately target users and manage campaigns while taking strategic decisions supported by consistent reporting

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Supported Targeting



Device OS

OS Version


Network Speed



Ad Position

In-app Vs Web

Mobile Browser

Traffic Category

Device ID

IP Range